Source code for spec_analysis.features

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""The ``features`` is responsible for measuring the properties of
individual spectral features. Individual classes are used to represent separate
calculations of feature properties. These classes may be used individually,
however, it is recommended you use the ``ObservedFeature`` class which combines
all of the calculations into a single object.

.. autosummary::


Usage Examples

Included in the ``ObservedFeature`` class is the ability to calculate
the area, pseudo equivalent width (PEW), and flux of a given feature.
Feature classes are instantiated using the rest frame wavelength, flux,
and binned flux (e.g., the flux through a median filter).

.. code-block:: python

   import numpy as np
   from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter

   from spec_analysis.features import find_peak_wavelength
   from spec_analysis.simulate import gaussian

   wave = np.arange(1000, 2000)
   flux, flux_err = gaussian(wave, stddev=100)
   bin_flux = median_filter(flux, size=10)

   feature = ObservedFeature(wave, flux, bin_flux)

Feature properties can be accessed using attributes:

.. code-block:: python

   # From the area calculation
   area = feature.area            # Feature area

   # From the PEW calculation
   continuum = feature.continuum  # Sudo continuum flux per wavelength
   norm_flux = feature.norm_flux  # Normalized flux per wavelength
   pew = feature.pew              # Pseudo equivalent width

   # From the velocity calculation
   velocity = feature.velocity    # velocity of the feature in km / s
   amp = feature.gauss_amplitude  # Amplitude of fitted gaussian
   avg = feature.gauss_avg        # Average of fitted gaussian
   stddev = feature.gauss_stddev  # Standard deviation of fitted gaussian
   offset = feature.gauss_offset  # y-offset of fitted gaussian

Note that the velocity is determined by fitting the **normalized flux** using
an inverted Gaussian of the form

.. math:: - A * e^{(-(x - \mu)^2 / (2 \sigma^2)} + c

This function is accessible programmatically as
``spec_analysis.features.gaussian``, or the evaluated fit can be determined

.. code-block:: python

   gauss_fit = feature.gaussian_fit()

API Documentation

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from astropy import units
from astropy.constants import c
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties.unumpy import nominal_values, std_devs

[docs]def gaussian(x, depth, avg, std, offset): """Evaluate a negative gaussian f = -depth * e^(-((x - avg)^2) / (2 * std ** 2)) + offset Args: x (ndarray): Values to evaluate the gaussian at depth (float): Amplitude of the gaussian avg (float): Average of the gaussian std (float): Standard deviation of the gaussian offset (float): Vertical offset Returns: The evaluated gaussian """ return -depth * np.exp(-((x - avg) ** 2) / (2 * std ** 2)) + offset
[docs]class FeatureArea: """Represents the area calculation for a spectroscopic feature"""
[docs] def __init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux): """Calculates the area of a spectroscopic feature Args: wave (ndarray): The wavelength values of the feature flux (ndarray): The flux values for the feature bin_flux (ndarray): The binned flux values for the feature """ self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.bin_flux = bin_flux # Placeholder variables for intermediate data products: self._area = None
def _continuum_area(self): """The area under the continuum curve""" return (self.wave[-1] - self.wave[0]) * (self.bin_flux[0] + self.bin_flux[-1]) / 2 def _flux_area(self): """The area under the flux curve""" return np.trapz(y=self.flux, x=self.wave) @property def area(self): """The area of the feature Area is determined between the sudo continuum of the binned flux and the flux values from the non-binned flux. """ if self._area is None: self._area = self._continuum_area() - self._flux_area() return self._area
[docs]class FeaturePEW: """Represents the pEW calculation for a spectroscopic feature"""
[docs] def __init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux): """Calculates the pEW of a spectroscopic feature Args: wave (ndarray): The wavelength values of the feature flux (ndarray): The flux values for the feature bin_flux (ndarray): The binned flux values for the feature """ self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.bin_flux = bin_flux self._continuum = None self._norm_flux = None self._pew = None
@property def continuum(self): """Array of values for the fitted sudo continuum""" if self._continuum is None: # Fit a line to the end points x0, x1 = self.wave[0], self.wave[-1] y0, y1 = self.bin_flux[0], self.bin_flux[-1] m = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1) b = - m * x0 + y0 # Calculate PEW as area of the normalized feature self._continuum = m * self.wave + b return self._continuum @property def norm_flux(self): """The flux normalized by the sudo continuum""" if self._norm_flux is None: self._norm_flux = self.flux / self.continuum return self._norm_flux @property def pew(self): """Calculate the pseudo equivalent-width of the feature Returns: The pseudo equivalent-width of the feature """ # Fit a line to the end points x0, x1 = self.wave[0], self.wave[-1] self._pew = (x1 - x0) - np.trapz(y=self.norm_flux, x=self.wave) return self._pew
[docs]class FeatureVelocity(FeaturePEW): """Represents the velocity calculation for a spectroscopic feature"""
[docs] def __init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux, rest_frame): """Calculates the pEW of a spectroscopic feature Args: wave (ndarray): The wavelength values of the feature flux (ndarray): The flux values for each feature """ super().__init__(wave, flux, bin_flux) self.rest_frame = rest_frame self._gauss_params = None self._cov = None self._velocity = None
def _fit_gauss_params(self): """Fitted an negative gaussian to the binned flux Returns: A list of fitted parameters """ if self._gauss_params is not None: return self._gauss_params eflux = std_devs(self.norm_flux) flux = nominal_values(self.norm_flux) try: self._gauss_params, self._cov = curve_fit( f=gaussian, xdata=self.wave, ydata=flux, p0=[0.5, np.median(self.wave), 50., 0], sigma=eflux if any(eflux) else None) except RuntimeError as excep: warn(str(excep)) self._gauss_params = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan return self._gauss_params @property def gauss_amplitude(self): """The fitted gaussian amplitude""" return self._fit_gauss_params()[0] @property def gauss_avg(self): """The fitted gaussian average""" return self._fit_gauss_params()[1] @property def gauss_stddev(self): """The fitted gaussian standard deviation""" return self._fit_gauss_params()[2] @property def gauss_offset(self): """The fitted gaussian offset""" return self._fit_gauss_params()[3]
[docs] def gaussian_fit(self): """Evaluate the gaussian fit of the normalized flux for feature wavelengths Returns: An array of normalized flux values """ return gaussian(self.wave, *self._fit_gauss_params())
@property def velocity(self): """Calculate the velocity of a feature Fit a feature with a negative gaussian and determine the feature's velocity. Returned value is ``np.nan`` if the fit fails. Returns: The velocity of the feature in km / s """ if self._velocity is None: gauss_avg = self.gauss_avg if any(std_devs(self.norm_flux)): gauss_avg = ufloat(gauss_avg, np.sqrt(self._cov[1][1])) # Calculate velocity unit = / units.s speed_of_light = self._velocity = speed_of_light * ( ((((self.rest_frame - gauss_avg) / self.rest_frame) + 1) ** 2 - 1) / ((((self.rest_frame - gauss_avg) / self.rest_frame) + 1) ** 2 + 1) ) return self._velocity
[docs]class ObservedFeature(FeatureArea, FeatureVelocity): """Represents a spectral observation spanning a single absorption feature"""
[docs] def __init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux, rest_frame): """Represents a spectral observation spanning a single absorption feature Args: wave (ndarray): The wavelength values of the feature flux (ndarray): The flux values for each feature """ FeatureArea.__init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux) FeatureVelocity.__init__(self, wave, flux, bin_flux, rest_frame)